Monday, March 30, 2015

Living on the Silver Lining.


Something I've come to realise in the last three months is, nothing is ever what it seems. I've created my own world, a bubble where the most drama comes from my mother, people aren't mean without a reason, and everything works out. I believe that with all my heart, everything works out. It's come to my attention that not everyone thinks that way. Some people are determined to live through the apocalypse, so they make one.

All the Chicken Littles screaming about the sky and how it's falling. It never falls, crumbles a little bit? Sure, that's what happens when somethings billions of years old, it's bound to get a little decrepit.

What I'm trying to say is that it's never the end. No matter how bleak things may look, there is always a way out. Nothing will be handed to you, but if you believe you'll be able to do great things, you will. You can't control life, you can't control other people, but you can control yourself. Take responsibility for your mistakes, and move on. Ratify them if you can, and keep going.

This is a shorter post than normal because some personal life stuff reminded me that some people need reminding about faith.

Song of the day is Folkin Around by Panic! at the Disco.

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