Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ipoly's Labyrinth

I don't have strep throat anymore!

Okay that isn't entirely true, I more then likely still have the virus (bacteria?) in me, I'm just no longer contagious and therefore I can go to school. Which I did today. As normal I forgot how little I enjoyed being in a school environment. It would be different if the people didn't suck, but they do. It was an eventful first day back, and will be a hellish week to follow. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do in order to make up the work that I'm missing. (Like the 10 assignments I'm missing in Pang's class. Chemistry is a bitch.) 

I also got to see everyone and figure out what happened while I was gone. Looks like my best friend is back with their ex. (See I love it because, I call everyone my best friend so no one really knows. To be clear I only refer to my Inner Circle as my best friends. I made a post about it...) And everyone is feeling the impending doom of break. Mr. Hedman also made me laugh because of his class today. I find myself increasingly done with algebra II. The subject matter is hard and bothersome. Maddie Doctor and I spent the morning in a tissy trying to figure out what in the hell we were supposed to be doing, eventually we gave up and just drew sperm (which actually came out to the right answer! Yay.) 

Lunch was eventful today, as I essentially called my friends out and told them they needed to look within themselves to find their inner path to true happiness. Because as sad and moody as I am, I know in the grand scheme I'm going to end up fine. Due to that I have this inner peace that just exists. I think it has to do with my abilities as a seer. Which is all very complicated and involves a lot of links and is very personal. Even though I'd like to share that part of me with the world (or at least find someone whose like me) I get the feeling that it doesn't work that way.

Fourth block was fun. Vivian and I got to hang out and just chill. Edwards and the Junior team were making the second semester project, so all the Juniors in the room (Vivian, Bailey, and I) had to vacate the premise. This led to Viv and I moving to the Sophomore corridor stairway grotto thing. It's a little landing after the top of the Sophomore staircase that everyone hangs out at. Except forth block because everyone has class

 The main frustration of the day; Sexist Teenage Boys and Girls Who Excuse Their Actions. 
I get that dating people makes you see things all weird and caddywompuss. That doesn't excuse the fact that teenage boys who have a secret chat where they are sexist and misogynistic is okay. Even if your boyfriend belongs to the chat and says stuff, it is still not okay to use the excuse "He's in a chat with a bunch of guys!!!" That means jack shit. They are still creeps no matter if they are in a room full of men or by themselves. It's behavior like that, that spreads the idea that it's okay to think that way. (lots of 'that's in that sentence.)

Sometimes I don't get why people just let important issues go to the wayside. My reason for being aggressive about political and social issues like that may be due to what Chloe calls my "Ability to do the hard stuff". We were discussing why people lie and she told me it was because people don't like awkward situations where they have to face their dirty laundry. The same argument was brought to me today in History class as we were reading about early immigrants. Americans didn't want immigrants to come into the country after awhile and while most write it off as an economic thing, another reason was that White American immigrants didn't want to own up to their history as immigrants.

These were just some thoughts that were rattling around my brain, I will likely update you again tomorrow, or maybe Wednesday. Depending on how homework/notebook/sleep scheduled goes.

The song(s) of the day can be found on this playlist. Keep an eye on it because I will be adding more songs to it when time permits.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Strepping Up

I have strep throat.
Yeah, this kinda sucks and it takes me out of the running for school until Monday, which will be hella I'm sure. Because missing three days at Ipoly is like missing a whole week. I am sure that it wont prove to want to make me throw myself into the sea.

Speaking of which, I would love to visit the sea, so if any followers or readers have any beach front property they'd like to rent out for a limerick or two. I'm positive we could come to an agreement. With all that being said, I'm doing quite nicely.

I'm confined to my room for the next three days, I have a party to go to on Saturday (which I'm hoping I'm better for) and a lot to do before I can save anyone. So what am I doing instead? Browsing tumblr and making playlists. Very bad ones too, I only listen to shitty emo pop-punk. (That's not actually true, but you'd get more weird stuff from my love Peyton. Or my second love Vivian.)

When I actually start updating stuff, I'll let you know and add some links or something. I will most likely be making them through Spotify or maybe Grooveshark. Not sure though.

Today's song of the day is Flaws by Bastielle.
It's just a good song and I remember that I found comfort in it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Winter Is Coming.

Whenever winter starts to role around, my body shits itself.
Mucus and coughing, I look like a victim of the black death. I feel a hundred times worse though, because my chest is heavy and it's hard to breath. As well as my head pounding and this annoying pressure right behind my eyes. The only thing I want to do is sleep when I'm like this. Unfortunately I do have to do things, like school. School is the worst when you're sick, because not only can you not focus, but you're in pain.

The good news is that it's raining and that's always fun. Although it's really cold, wear a blanket to school cold. (And before anyone says "You don't know cold!!!!11!1!" Stop. You're right it's colder where you're at. But I'm still going to complain.)

School has been pretty uneventful on a whole. Today was a typical rainy day, everyone is too tired to do anything and the teachers are kinda done. Everyone is pretty done.
That doesn't stop the work from piling up though:

This week 12/1-12/5

  • Math worksheet (2)
  • Science worksheet (1)
  • Science test
  • Science lab (?)
  • Blog assignment
  • Recitations 
Next week 12/8-12/12
  • Component five all week
  • Probably more math
  • Also more science
  • Nav's Notebook (this thing will make everything suck)
Last week before break 12/15-12/19
  • Component five due
  • Component six intro
  • Math test
  • Work on English final
  • "house party" or an excuse to be assholes.
Then I get to be done with school for a few weeks. Then you come back and it happens again.
Hard to stay positive when I feel like death. I'm managing though, and I'm glad that it's almost over. 
Song of the day is Shadow Play by The Killers

Monday, December 1, 2014

Back to Work.

Back to school.

While breaks make you feel like you're wasting all your time and that you're not doing anything productive, the pragmatic dogma that is school sucks the soul out of your body. It's always hard the first day because no one wants to focus. As well as the fact that everyone is tired. Their sleeping schedule is all messed up and no one really wants to be there. Breaks are a beast, they mess up everything that the system builds throughout the year.

The break is needed though, before break everyone was dead and grey. At least we come back somewhat revived. Though I don't think that's a good thing. Mixing the revival of break and the horribleness of the Junior class is like mixing C4 and gasoline. It causes an explosion of dramatic proportions. I think we're going to be the most hated class in all of Ipoly history, and that makes me upset.

That's my claim to fame right now, "Three years of teachers literally hates my class and wishes they would be dismissed." I wish I could be dismissed, I wanted to make this year the absolute best but I don't think that it's going to happen. I want the Junior class to be nice, I want the teachers to be happy. And most of all I want my friends to be happy. I feel like we're all caught in a riptide, being sucked up by this void of negativity.

I don't know if I've got enough happy to make this year good for everyone. I hope that they can find their own happiness, because they deserve to be happy.

That's all I have for you. A short plea to the universe to bring something good to us.

Song's of the day can be located on a playlist here